Kim Medeiros's Article in Advertising
Cheap is Not a Bad Word With Cheap Glassware
Cheap glassware is something you should be looking at as an individual or a business. If you want to find a gift for something that you can personalize with their name, or to memorialize an event like a wedding, then cheap glassware can do that.
Posted on Jul-28-2009
Promotional Espresso Cups Will Move Your Business Forward
If the economy has you feeling like you are running backwards on the treadmill of business, then you need to find the best advertising and marketing medium available today. You need a medium that is low in cost, highly effective, and will reach a large audience all at the same time. What you need is promotional espresso cups.
Posted on Jul-24-2009
Imprinting Impressions With Imprinted Ceramic Mugs
Customers have plenty of places to choose from to get products. They can go on the Internet, they can order over the phone, they can walk into a store and they can even buy out of the newspaper. So, how do you compete? How do you keep customers coming into your store to buy from you? Is it possible or is it something you won't be able to achieve? Well, with anything sometimes you have to think outside the box.
Posted on Jul-24-2009
Finding Cheap Promotion Solutions With Discount Ceramic Mugs
Everyone loves to have some coffee or tea in the morning, and everyone has a favorite mug that they enjoy using. This mug may be one that they received from a family member, one they bought on a vacation, or even one that they were given by a business. The last situation mentioned there may seem odd, but it is true.
Posted on Jul-24-2009
Espresso Cups Give Your Business a Jolt
Does your business need a jolt? Try hot promotional items-espresso cups! Custom printed espresso cups will give your business the lift you are looking for. If business has been lagging, then these imprinted cups are just what you need to get it going again.
Posted on Jul-24-2009
Are Personalized Ceramic Mugs Worth the Investment?
There are two schools of thought on promotional items. There are those that thing they are a waste of money and you should stick to newspaper ads and commercials, and there are those that think they are a great way to promote a business.
Posted on Jul-24-2009
Tote Bags at Trade Shows
Promotional tote bags are quickly becoming the number advertising and marketing tools at trade shows. Not only are businesses opening booths at trade shows, they are also handing out promotional tote bags to attract business.
Posted on Jul-07-2009